24 November 2016

Holiday Feeling

The alarm buzzed at 5 a.m. much to my dismay. The city street was so silent and I was reminded of holiday mornings... Ahh yes (half asleep), today is Thanksgiving and a full day ahead will be spent in the apartment in preparation for all the festivities. Crawling back into the duvet cave I had created, I dreamed of lingering cinnamon scent, pies and cranberry sauce.

The apartment is in shambles at the moment since the task of editing and packing are still in the works (we are moving to sunny California in 5 weeks, but will forever be grateful to NYC - the city that never sleeps). But I adore all the holiday feeling that surrounds New York City these past few weeks. I do gravitate to the rustic charm of old branches and paper, burlap or linen ornaments. Winter has officially begun in the city. Have you started your holiday decorations? I'm debating whether or not to pack my string of lights...

Daniella Witte | Images 1, 2
Anna Lenskog Belfrage | Images 3, 4
IKEA Livet Hemma

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